BSCC participates at the launching of an innovative platform “Guide to Bulgaria”

On February 4, 2020, representatives of BSCC attended the presentation of the newly created Guide to Bulgaria, an innovative online platform that contains information in one place about the main directions of Tuk-Tam (organization of Bulgarians with experience abroad) – life, work , education and community.

The event brought together various organizations working on topics related to the Bulgarians abroad and showed their desire to cooperate. The presentation of the Guide to Bulgaria was also attended by employers, communication experts, public and political figures, business representatives, non-governmental organizations, chambers of commerce and foreign embassies.

The guide provides up-to-date content for life in Bulgaria, job offers, company profiles of employers, scholarships, events and detailed information about Bulgarians planning to return.

The Guide currently contains:
– Over 90 articles about life in Bulgaria
– Jobs and detailed profiles of leading companies
– Living standard calculator
– Selection of articles and interviews on topics such as culture and travel, lifestyle, community, business and health
– Opportunities to participate in our career event “Career Safari” or apply for scholarships

In 2019, BSCC also supported the annual career event (Career Hive).

Social activities