
We have the pleasure to invite all members of the Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce to the upcoming conference organized by the InvestBulgaria Agency / IBA / in association with the Bilateral Trade and Industrial Chambers. The event will be held online on July 30, 2020, from 10:00 a.m.

The subject of the discussion will be: “Bulgaria as a New Top Nearshoring Destination”. Participants in the discussions will be Mr. Stamen Yanev – Executive Director of IBA, representatives of the Bilateral Trade and Industrial Chambers as well as business representatives.

Please find bellow the attached file with the invitation and the program of the conference.

To participate in the event, we kindly ask you to:

registration online.

In the past two months Invest Bulgaria Agency and 15 bilateral chambers of commerce and industry in Bulgaria have been participating in a joint initiative. The main goal of this initiative is to position Bulgaria as an excellent destination for relocation of production and services in the process of shortening supply chains.

In order to be able to find out more about the resources and needs on the market for potential nearshoring projects, we present to your attention the following questionnaire prepared by colleagues from bilateral chambers of commerce and industry participating in the initiative together with IBA : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSen6NT288ATftYsEBBHnazemglLiNbRt6TAuhjuZd5MtKF-ow/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1

Your answers will give quality feedback to plan the next joint steps.

Please send your answer before 24th of July.

Attached Documents:
Social activities