Forum Dual Education
The project “Swiss support for the introduction of dual-track principles in the Bulgarian vocational education system” (DOMINO) is a joint initiative of Switzerland and Bulgaria (2015 - 2019) to create a legal basis and build capacity for successful implementation of dual vocational education in secondary schools, which meet most business needs.

In the framework of the Project “Swiss support for the introduction of dual-track principles in the Bulgarian vocational education system” (the DOMINO Project) implemented within the Inter-government Cooperation Programme between Bulgaria and the Swiss Confederation, the BSCC is responsible for the organisation and management of the Forum Dual Education. The Forum consists of almost 100 representatives of all interested stakeholders in the implementation of the Dual Education in Bulgaria - governmental institutions, employers organisations, mixed chambers, companies and non-governmental organisations.

The main objective of the Forum is to contribute to the successful reform of the Bulgarian vocational education, using the positive experience and the results of the above-mentioned project. The Forum participants are discussing on regular sessions the improvements needed for the successful implementation of the Dual education.

Additionally, BSCC organises the working group of the Forum - National Coordination Group (NCG), which aim is to prepare documents, ideas and strategies that are proposed for discussion on the Forum. The NCG consists of around 15 participants, who are representatives of all participants of the Forum.
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Social activities