Meeting with Prof. Martin Vechev from INSAIT institute organized by GBCIC and BSCC

With great interest, the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (GBCIC) and the Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce (BSCC) held on May 5, 2023, a meeting with prof. Martin Vechev, one of the world’s leading scientists of computer science and artificial intelligence and founder of the Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology – INSAIT.

The event was opened by Dr. Mitko Vassilev, General Manager of GBCIC and Boni Bonev, Chairman, BSCC Managing Board. Moderator was Dimitar Dimitrov, Chairman of SC “Technics, Technologies and Innovations” at GBCIC, on whose initiative the meeting was organized for the member companies of both Chambers.

The guests of the event had the opportunity to ask their questions to prof. Vechev followed an extensive discussion after his presentation, in which he presented the main activities and priorities of INSAIT.

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