Meeting of the Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce with business representatives from Targovishte

On 06-07 June 2014, the Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce held a meeting with business representatives from the Municipality of Targovishte in the cosy atmosphere of the Idol Hotel, Targovishte.

The event was organised with the kind support of the Mayor of Targovishte, Dr. Krasimir Mirev, and with the energetic assistance of the BSCC member EnerSys.

The meeting was intended as a discussion of the opportunities for joint initiatives and contacts between BSCC members, the Municipality of Targovishte and business representatives from Targovishte.

The programme included visits to the plants of EnerSys (submarine battery producer), Mebel Stil (furniture producer) and GlassCo (glass processing company). The attending members of the Chamber had the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the production processes of these companies and exchanged useful contacts and ideas with them.

Social activities