In the period 22-24 November 2011 a Swiss business delegation visited Bulgaria upon the initiative of SEC, the partner of the Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce (BSCC) in Switzerland, with the support of the Swiss organisation SECO.
The programme of the visit included a reception by H.E. Ms. Regina Escher, the Ambassador of Switzerland and a Swiss-Bulgarian Business Forum.
The Business Forum was attended by representatives of Bulgarian Government institutions – Mr. Evgeni Angelov, Deputy Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Mr. Borislav Stefanov, Executive Director of INVESTBULGARIA AGENCY. Addresses were delivered by H.E. Ms. Regina Escher, Ambassador of Switzerland to Bulgaria and Mr. Boni Bonev, President of the Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce.
Other speakers at the forum were also Mr. Julian Nikolov, Adviser to the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Mr. Peter Flückiger, Economiesuisse, Zurich and Ms. Franziska Keller, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
The positive experience and success stories of Swiss investors in Bulgaria were presented.
The event provided a chance to the Swiss and Bulgarian business representatives to share ideas about future collaboration.