CONNEXT Innovative Exhibition by Confindustria – 27-28.02.2019

Connext is Confindustria’s second industry partnership meeting event in Italy. A 2-day companies exhibition and networking opportunity focusing on the key drivers of economic and sustainable development.
•In the innovative venue of MiCo, Milano Convention Centre, Connext will be the platform for shared value creation, where Confindustria’s ability to connect and to offer vision and growth potential to enterprises will be made available at first through virtual networking and then by bilateral business meetings, in a dynamic and stimulating context.
•A large business community in which to play a leading role via corporate presentations, latest products and services showcase and demonstration, projects and business opportunities sharing. Connext is about connecting companies.

Exclusive conditions for participation of Bulgarian companies are guaranteed. All Bulgarian companies can participate in the forum for FREE.

In the presentation attached below, you can see details of the event as well as the sectors that will be presented.

If interested, the Confindustria Bulgaria team is available for further information and guidance on how to register


Attached Documents:
Social activities