Financial advisory company EY Bulgaria in media partnership with Forbes magazine is organizing the annual CFO of the Year Awards for the fourth consecutive year in 2017. The awards aim at distinguishing the financial leaders’ contribution to the CFO profession, their team and company development.
CFO of the Year Awards provide an excellent opportunity for the financial professionals to receive well-deserved recognition for their efforts over the years, and also, for the companies to get recognition for being highly professional organizations that promote best practices and develop the business environment in Bulgaria.
Who can participate?
Nominees must be a Chief Financial Officer or equivalent in either a public or private organization and they must have been in their current position for at least one year.
How to apply?
The CFOs can make self-nominations or be nominated by their team, PR/HR colleagues or company management board representatives.
The following categories will be awarded in the CFO of the Year competition:
CFO of the Year: Overall achievement
CFO of the Year: Strategy for development of the finance function
CFO of the Year: Liquidity and risk
CFO of the Year: Planning and budgeting
CFO of the Year: Control and reporting
Panel of judges
More information about CFO of the Year may be found here: www.ey.com/bg/cfo
For further details, contact the organizers at CFO@bg.ey.com