NESTLÉ BULGARIA is among the largest food companies in Bulgaria and one of the biggest strategic investors in the food and beverages area in the country. For more than 15 years on the market, NESTLÉ BULGARIA has been well known as a strategic investor, reliable partners, preferred employer and social responsible company.
Each of the company`s products has the fore-places on the Bulgarian market – babes and children food, pure soluble coffee, coffee mixes and coffee specialties, culinary products, chocolates, boxed chocolates, desserts, chocolate, ordinary and enriched in nutrients biscuits, dairies cereals, ice cream, pets food, etc. Developing innovative, balanced and delicious products has been a tradition since long time and the company aims to deliver to the highest quality that meets both their requirements and needs and the world standards.
The most famous and loved by consumers brands in Bulgaria are: chocolate desserts NESTLÉ® КIT KAT® and NESTLÉ® LION®, chocolate wafers, desserts and chocolates NESTLÉ® МУРА®, chocolate biscuits NESTLÉ® МУРА® Фантазии (Fantazii), plain and enriched with nutrients biscuits NESTLÉ® ЖИТЕН ДАР® (Jiten Dar), airated chocolate NESTLÉ® LZ®, the childhood memories chocolate КУМА ЛИСА® (Kuma Lisa), boxed chocolates NESTLÉ® BOSS, culinary products MAGGI®, soluble coffee NESCAFÉ®, chocolate drink NESQUIK® Plus, NESQUIK® 3in1, whole grain breakfast NESVITA® /oat flakes with fruits pieces/, coffee system NESCAFÉ® DOLCE GUSTO® /large range of high quality hot drinks in the cosy atmosphere of each home/, powdered milk NIDO®, powdered coffee creamer COFFEE-MATE®, boxed chocolates NESTLÉ® AFTER EIGHT®, baby food NESTLÉ® Nutrition, breakfast cereals NESTLÉ® FITNESS®, NESQUIK®, CHOCAPIC® and others. NESCAFÉ® is a brand number 1 in Bulgaria and around the world, that is very successful also due to its sub brands: NESCAFÉ 3in1®, NESCAFÉ Frappé®, NESCAFÉ CLASSIC® и NESCAFÉ GOLD®. The favorite ice-cream products BOSS, NIRVANA, MAGNUM™, ALOMA and FAMILIA are also part of the product portfolio of NESTLÉ Bulgaria. FRISKIES®, PRO PLAN®, GOURMET® are among the famous brands for the pets food. In Bulgaria, NESTLÉ Professional® offers a wide range of high quality products for out of home consumption, with the brands BUONDI® Café, Milli®, CHEF®, NESCAFE®, MAGGI®, NESTEA®, NESQUIK®, COFFEE-MATE®.
www.nestle.bg, www.maggi.bg, www.nescafe.bg, www.kitkat.bg, www.lion.bg, www.dolce-gusto.bg, www.purina.bg, www.jiveiaktivno.bg, www.nestlebaby.com/bg, www.friskies.bg, www.nestle-icecream.bg, www.kumalisa.bg, www.nestle-lz.bg, www.purina.bg, www.nestle-fitness.com/bg/, www.nestleprofessional.com
Sofia 1360, Bulgaria
128, Blvd Europa
tel. +359 2 9390 333; fax: +359 2 925 10 40