БШТК участва в репортаж за Дуалното Обучение в България по Националната швейцарска телевизия

On December 3rd 2019 a reportage about the Dual Education project DOMINO, in which BSCC has played an important role as, was broadcast at the Swiss National Television during the evening news.

The whole reportage can be watched here. 

Underneath the the video, an artical from the same journalist follows through the Swiss Contribution programme in Bulgaria and the impact it has made.

Mr. Vassil Radoynovski, Head of the Secretariat of BSCC participates in the SRF broadcast in the reportage of yesterday, December 3rd 2019.

BSCC involvement in the project continues following the good results of the DVET Forum approach in coordinating all stakeholders involved in the introduction and implementation of the dual education in the Bulgarian education system based on the Swiss model. More information about the project you may find here.

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